I taught the use of value chains in the private sector as tools for development aid.
Training in Niger og Burkina Faso, Maj'13.
1 week's training in Niger, 1 week's work-experience visit to Burkina Faso
and finally 1 more week of training and workshops in Niger. 20 participants from the Danish development programme PASR in Niger.
I worked as subcontractor for COWI.
See material and programme (in French).
Training in Mali and Morocco, Dec'11-Jan'12.
2 week's training and workshops in Mali (December 2011) and 2 weeks business visits in Morocco (January 2012). 31 participant (2 groups) from the Danish development programmes PASAM and
PAPESPRIM in Mali. The work included identifying
partners and elaboration of training material. I worked as subcontractor for COWI.
See material and programme (in French).
Evaluation of a value chain programme in Ethiopia, Nov'11
In November 2011 I spent 2 weeks in Ethiopia together with two colleagues evaluating the ONG SNV's BOAM-program for the Dutch embassy.
A fascinating development programme, using value chains at enterprise as well as at sector level.
A guide to value chain guides, Spring'11
I compiled a guide to the literature on global value chains for development aid. The work was done for the Global Value Chains in Business
Development Working Group under DDRN (Danish Development
Research Network).
In reality it is a meta-guide, i.e. a guide of using value chain guides. It combines a report,
a reference database, and a database of tecnical terms.
The report offers recommendations on choice of value chain literature
for different users and themes. It also presents statistics
and analyses
based on the reference database' value chain literature.
Download Metaguide documents.
Africa50 conference, Sep'11

"Trade conditions in Africa and their siginificance for Africa's development", 24th of September 2011 at Geografisk Institut, Københavns Universitet.
My contribution was "Sustainable business and quality in value chains - Management in the developing world" and can be downloaded her.