ConDiv's focus
Keywords for ConDiv's services are:
- Creativity and innovation
- Efficient group processes and meetings
- Product, strategy and organization development.
ConDiv's mission
ConDiv supports and advises customers in their effort to:
- Utilize and develop creativity, efficiency and learning
- Stimulate innovative product and concept development
- Transform available knowledge into customized solutions.
ConDiv's logo
The company name ConDiv,
as well as the -logo
refers to the focus on interaction between convergent and divergent
Creativity can be enhanced in many ways. One important way
is to ensure use of both divergent and convergent thinking, og to
make sure that the two thinking modes complement, and not block,
each other.
An individual person can shift swiftly between the two thinking
modes. Groups of several people, on the contrary, must actively keep
the two modes separate in order to prevent them from blocking each
= New + Useful
Creativity is defined differently in different contexts, but in a
business context the above definition is adequate.
= New + Useful + Implemented
Innovation is a creative idea implemented in the real world.
Creativity is an important prerequisite for obtaining innovation.
Innovation demands much more than creativity, but creativity is a core
Business context
The business world is characterized by fast technological change
and marked driven internationalization.
In such a world, the life of a company is more secure and fun if
the company acts as a creative and learning organization. Modern
companies therefore strive to cope with the chaotic and dynamic
world of our time by:
- Using innovation and technology to compete
- Taking offset from human creativity and desire for change
- Ensuring both creative and efficient processes.