ConDiv, short version
ConDiv™ is a one-man consultancy firm that helps
customers initiate and implement development projects.
Consultant and
process facilitator:
Creativity and innovation
Efficient group processes and meetings
Product, strategy and organization development
- Improvisational theatre
- KreaCoach training and KreaTool.
Development adviser:
- Value chains in development in Africa and Latin America
- 3 x sustainable business (economy, social, environment).
Søren Borch
ConDiv is owned by Søren Borch who
is an engineer and economist and has many years of professional
experience as consultant, international development adviser, industry manager, teacher and university
See further details in Søren's LinkedIn profile.
ConDiv's life cycle
2013-202x The passive years.
2009-2013 Value chains in Africa and some classical ConDiv jobs.
2005-2009 Advisor in Central America for Danida.
2001-2005 The mature years.
1996-2001 De golden years of development.
1994-1995 The first years.